Riverside English Cream Retriever
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Sugar was one of our beautiful & sweet dams. Sugar had 1 litter of 8 precious puppies. We discussed a few times that we felt Sugar would be better in a not so busy home environment. Sugar is a quieter girl & we felt like she would have a better life being the only dog. We had a couple approach us looking for a retired dam & though our plan was to breed Sugar a few more times, we felt it was best to place her a little sooner. We introduced the couple to her, they fell in love with her instantly. It took Sugar a while & a few treats later as well before she trusted them & decided they were a perfect match for her. The rest is history, Sugar will never be forgotten, & is a very happy girl in her new forever home, we couldn't be more happy for her.


Snickers was 1 of our striking English Doodles, she was such a goofy & playful girl. So many people did a double take when they saw her, she was a sable Doodle & quite the looker, her eyelashes were crazy long.
We made a decision to focus more on the English Creams so Snickers was retired early & living with a family that spoils her rotten. Snickers gets all the walks, pets & loves she could ever ask for. We will miss you Snickers & never forget you, please come back for lots play dates

Snickers & new family

Licorice is Snicker's sister & was retired early as well. Licorice is more timid then Snickers & you need to earn her trust, but once you have it she is all yours. Licorice is a very loyal & sweet girl who loves to fetch. When she was placed in her new forever home all they needed was to show her love & of course lots of fetching & she is adjusting great. Licorice lives with 2 of the Doodles we adopted out from Sage & Moch's litter, so she will have lots of buddies to play with. We will miss you Licorice, enjoy your new forever home & please come & visit.


Licorice w/new family
Cotton was one of our gorgeous dams, Cotton has so much personality & loves to talk to her favorite people, she is always smiling & wagging & shaking her butt, she loves to let people know when she is entering the room. We decided to retire her early due to complications with being a breeder, we were very fortunate to have found the perfect family for her & now Cotton has her forever home that even has a buddy (Charlotte) for her to play with & be future best friends, all though Cotton will be greatly missed, we are so happy for her.

Cotton & new family

Cotton & Charlotte
Diamond is Cotton's sister from a different litter, we loved Cotton's personality & looks so much we decided we needed another from her family & Diamond did not disappoint. Diamond is always wagging her tail & smiling, such a sweet girl. Diamond was by far 1 of our best breeders. Diamond now lives with a family that has 1 of her daughters, living her best forever home life & spoiled rotten. Diamond will definitely be missed but we are extremely happy with where she was placed.

Diamond & new parent